Ingrid Bergman: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

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4. rida:
=="Ingrid Bergman: Minu lugu"==
Tsitaadid väljaandest: Ingrid Bergman, Alan Burgess, "Ingrid Bergman: my story", New York: Delacorte Press, 1980.
<!--* After I hung up the phone, having said no to writing my memoirs as I had for the last twenty years, my son Roberto gave me a look of great concern. “Mother,” he said, “do you realize that when you are dead many people will throw themselves on your life story taking information from gossip columns, rumors, and interviews. We, your children, can never defend you because we don’t know the truth. I wish you’d put it down.”
9. rida ⟶ 10. rida:
-->* Pärast seda, kui telefonitoru käest panin, olles memuaaride kirjutamisest ära öelnud, nagu ma seda viimased kakskümmend aastat tegin, heitis mu poeg Roberto mulle üpris mureliku pilgu. "Ema," ütles ta, "kas sa mõistad, et kui sa oled surnud, hakkavad paljud inimesed sinu eluloo kallale kippuma, korjates teavet kõmuveergudest, kuulujuttudest ja intervjuudest. Meie, sinu lapsed, ei saa sind siis kaitsta, sest meie ei tea tõde. Mulle meeldiks, kui sa selle ise kirja paneksid."
:See andis mulle omajagu mõtlemisainet. Niisiis, mu kallid lapsed – Pia, Roberto, Isabella ja Ingrid – siin see tõde on. (Autori märkus)
<!--* We went home and I raved to everyone about what a marvelous film it was and what a genius Roberto Rossellini must be. I wanted to know more about him but nobody knew anything at all. In 1948, foreign films didn’t rate in Hollywood. They were all right for immigrants in little art theaters: they could speak the language—they didn’t have to read subtitles. But certainly such films didn’t make money. So gradually I began to believe that maybe this man makes one good movie, and then you don’t hear of him anymore. Sad, but that’s the way it is. (lk 3)