Jumal: erinevus redaktsioonide vahel

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10. rida:
by sarah m........ you dont need to know my last name haha''' ==
Jamal is a cool person. He is crazy but out of control. haha he can be wild but thats why everyone loves his since of humor. haha. Jumal your a cool person and john loves you cause you all are going out haha what a cute couple. John told me that he loves you with all his heart and that he wants to be with you for the rest of his life. he loves you jumal and he wants to stay with you forever and ever and so much more. he has a lot of love for you. in every class your all he talks about. haha John told me to tell you he loves you
== Tuvastamatud ==
Love John
* Enamik inimesi soovivad Jumalat teenida – kuid ainult nõuandja osas.
* Õnnetusi ei ole olemas. Jumal lihtsalt üritab anonüümseks jääda
* Jumal meie palveid isegi siis, kui me ei oska neid välja öelda.
* Ateist ei leia Jumalat samal põhjusel, miks varas ei leia politseinikku.
* Kindlasti tegi Jumal mehe enne naist, kuid enne tõelist meistritööd on alati vaja karm visand. teha.