Sam Harris
Samuel Benjamin Harris (sündinud 9. aprillil 1967 Los Angeleses) on Ameerika Ühendriikide neuroteadlane, filosoof ja kirjanik.
- Asjade meelelahutuslik väärtus on nii mõjukas. Tähendab, oli üks debatt, kus Trump, pälvis tohutu naerupahvaka tema repliigi – "Ainult Rosie O'Donnell" - peale. Tõde on see, et me elame poliitilises süsteemis, kus kui sa suudad poliitilise debati ajal suure naerupahvaka esile kutsuda, siis sa võidad. Pole vahet, kes sa oled. Pole vahet, kui väheinformeeritud sa oled, pole oluline, et pool arutelust käis selle üle, mida paganat me peaksime ette võtma tuumasõja ohu või millegi muu puhul. Seega, me oleme ahvid. Ja meile meeldib naerda.
- The entertainment value of things is so influential. I mean, there was that one debate where Trump, you know, got a massive laugh on, you know, his line, you know - "Only Rosie O'Donnell" - right? The truth is, we're living in a political system where if you can get a big laugh during a political debate, you win. It doesn't matter who you are, right? Like that's the level of, you know, it doesn't matter how uninformed you are, it doesn't matter that half the debate was about what the hell we should do about, you know, a threat of nuclear war or anything else. It's, we're monkeys, right? And we like to laugh.
- Sam Harris: Trump, Pandemic, Twitter, Elon, Bret, IDW, Kanye, AI & UFOs | Lex Fridman Podcast #365, 2:40:38, 14. märts 2023
- YouTube'i algoritmi üks salakaval omadus on see, et see ei mitte ainult ei kohandu meie eelistustega, vaid tegelikult hakkab see meid muutma, et muuta meid enam etteaimatavamaks. Nii leiab see viise, kuidas muuta meid oma eelistuste paremateks raporteerijateks ja kuidas kärpida meie eelistusi, et algoritm saaks end selle signaali põhjal edasi treenida.
- One of the insidious things about like the YouTube algorithm is that it's not that it just caters to our preferences, it actually begins to change us in ways so as to make us more predictable. Like it finds ways to make us a better reporter of our preferences and to trim our preferences down so that it can further train to that signal.
- Sam Harris: Trump, Pandemic, Twitter, Elon, Bret, IDW, Kanye, AI & UFOs | Lex Fridman Podcast #365, 3:29:07, 14. märts 2023